Some news from the BSer family, we no longer have a mini-van. Yep, the Honda Odyssey has returned to the dealership. We are now proud owners of a Honda CR-V. Black exterior with a tan leather interior, it's been a fun vehicle to return to the garage.
While Marcus isn't that impressed, Alya loves "her" new car. I don't know quite when it became her car, but the CR-V is Alya's car and the Accord is Momma's car. Kind of leaves me as the chauffeur, but I can deal with that.
But that brings me to the subject of this evening's blog. Clothes can make the man, or at the very least influence the attitude. Pius had a no jeans policy when I went to high school and that did have some impact on attitude.
When I work from home, I am not the kind of guy who can sit in his sweat pants and be all grubby. Clean, perhaps even a shave, just to keep the attitude in the right place when I get working.
So when I throw on my black leather jacket and a pair of blue jeans the attitude is slightly shifter. A touch more arrogant. A little more sass.
This feeling had been amplified each time I climbed into the Accord to head off somewhere on my own. Low to the ground, with a feeling of imaginary power (only 4-cylinders) Jon is feeling the "driving way".
Something that the Odyssey never generated, and the new CR-V doesn't provide either. However, the previous CR-V (which was technically my car) did grant that sensation.
There is no real answer as to where this feeling came from. I've always enjoyed driving, and have occasionally thought that I could be a good race driver. While not a NASCAR fan in any shape, I do love a good racing video game.
This does raise a little concern, as 40 is rapidly approaching and will I start looking at a sporty little fun vehicle.... Nah, who am I kidding.
On a different note, if you're on Facebook, check out the video Sasha posted a few days ago. Marcus got into finger painting this past Sunday. However, I don't think that paper is his favorite medium.
Be seeing you,