Monday, September 22, 2008

Intro and Turning Two

So my little girl turned two this past weekend.

Her birthday proper was a busy day for us. Install of new phone and ISP from AT&T; lawn mowing; work annual event; block party to stop by; and get things ready for her party on Sunday. We managed to get all that done and get the kids proper naps, a bath and in bed on-time. Parenting is crazy, mad, busy stuff. And no, I won't trade it away.

But every now and then I plan on putting up a little of my life and time here on this blog. Sometimes it will be about the parenting life. Other times it will be about my geek life - games, movies, etc. Nothing about work life, though. Not much about politics either.

So who am I? A person who has had fortune smile much more often that frown. My wife Sasha is the organizational force of the family and yet also the party person, too. She kicks major keister and is a fantastic woman that I love very much.

The kids are Alya and Marcus. Alya just turned two and is an energetic little squirrel that enjoys puzzles and animals. I know I'll be the bad guy when she starts wanting more pets in the house. Although I suspect that she would take good care of them, since she is such a good help around the house already.

Marcus is ten and a half months old and will not be content in the shadow of his sister. He's getting ready to walk and already crawls around the house looking for where the action is happening. He doesn't have the patience for reading that Alya has, but we're working on that more and more.

Then we have the three cats BSersox, Bushido and Shinobi. All Burmese and each one different in attitude and personality. Unfortunately, they are not engaged with the kids as of yet. I don't think they've realized that the kids will be their best source of fun in the coming years. However, once the kids are in bed the cats are happy to snuggle up with us while we watch a little tv or play a game before going to sleep ourselves.

So Alya's two and she's just the joy. One of the best things about this girl is her ability to share. While opening her presents yesterday, she was happy to let little Adam J. help with the opening process. And when Kaede R. came to check out some of the books, Alya handed her one of the new ones for Kaede to look at and read while Alya continued opening. Such a good little one and I'm very proud of her.

Well that's it for now and I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes forward.

Be seeing you,


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