Sunday, April 4, 2010



Yes, it's that time of year, and I thought I'd share a few highlights from the BSer hosted Easter this year.

The picture above is the bunny cake that Sasha and Alya made for everyone. No cake molds were involved. No pre-layout forms. Just Sasha's technique with a little inspiration from Alya. And the cake not only looked great, but tasted fantastic.

However, it was up against a raspberry trifle and chocolate dipped apricots, orange peels and strawberries. So the only winner was the folk who make stretch pants. Quite the yummy desserts.


While Marcus slept through the Easter Egg Hunt, the girls (L to R: Bella, Alya and Raven) had a field day gathering eggs. With such brilliantly warm weather, it made the kite flying and all the other outdoor stuff all the better. If only all Easters could be this nice.


In then end, everyone left having a good time - some better than others - and there was enough happenings to make a Ron Howard television series on BSer holidays alone. Including the fact that both of our kids ended up with buckets on their head. Such weirdoes.

Must be from Sasha's side, because I'm never weird*.

Happy Easter!


* Who am I trying to kid? It's all me!
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