Yepppers, last night Alya told us that she is not tired and wanted to play. All the time she was rubbing her eyes and moving with very little pep in the step. So she got to snuggle up with Daddy and watch a bit of the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon last night. Then she snuggled up with Mommy to watch some of the Super Bowl. And then at 8:15, the Daddy-hammer came down and took his baby girl to her room.
You would think after such a busy weekend, there would be a greater desire to rest.
Friday, Sasha brought the kids into work for a little while to enjoy a dip food day that her department was having. And then latter on, the little ones got to enjoy playing at the Bayshore kids area.
That night, Kanisha came by with her kids and her niece to babysit Alya and Marcus while Sasha and I went out for a movie. Lots of running around the house, playing kitchen with little Alan, and going to bed late.
Saturday had a trip to the Zoo with Daddy. A short trip, but the weather was good and it was the first time going in the bird house there. Alya liked the smaller rooms, but had absolutely no desire to go into the large room where the birds flew around freely. Still, we got to see the lions hanging out. And the penguins were in full effect, strutting around looking good.
We also ran into Sue Gauger nee DiFonzo, who was there with her two little ones. That was fun to see what Alya and Marcus might be doing in a few years. The zoo is a great place for kids to stretch their legs in the winter. And the zoo membership that my Mom got us makes it that much easier to do.
Sunday was slow going at first. Sasha had a nice night out and I was up late doing a mini-podcast with John Mack. So when my Mom came by, we kind of left the kids with her while we napped/took-it-easy. So the kids had fun playing with Grandma. Alya called her "Grammy" at one point. Don't know where it came from but very cute.
Alya's other new phrase is "Not yet." As in:
"Time for dinner, Alya."
"No, Daddy. Not yet."
I think she got that one from us.
Finally, Sunday afternoon had an hour in the snow sledding. We bundled them up into snow suits and took them over to Brown Deer Park for some playtime outside.
When I pulled the two of them along in the sled, Alya squealed with delight. She loved sliding along the snow, holding her brother.
Marcus, on the other hand, just never relaxed to get into it. So eventually he had to be carried while I pull Alya up the hill.
Small Marcus in big snow field
At the top, I had little flash-backs to the water park adventure, but I loaded her up, sat down behind her, and gave us a push.
Alya laughed all the way down.
We ended up taking another trip and then Sasha took Alya down three more times.
Here's the second trip:
And I have to admit I took a couple of trips on my own as well.) Fun times for everyone except Marcus - and he was held the entire time, so it was a win for him too.
And my daughter, after all that, still managed to stay up until 8:30 PM last night. She definitely takes after her father.
* * *
For date night this past Friday, Sasha and I went to the iPic over in the Bayshore Towne Center. Big, comfy seats. Free bag of popcorn. And we ate dinner there in the theater. Great place to see a movie.
While dinner was okay (once they got the order right) the movie was really good. "The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Button" was the film of choice that night. The film is most certainly an Oscar runner and worth seeing at some point, if not on the big screen.
The best way I can describe it is a re-visioning of Forrest Gump. In have an innocent (Gump) telling a story of his life and how he was a good person through it all. Button's story of a life that is different from everyone else, and how he maintained a positive outlook and remained a good person.
Happy and funny at times, sad and tear producing at others. A fine movie that I recommend people view, even if on DVD.
Now hopefully Alya will go to bed on time tonight.
Be seeing you,
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