Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Long time, No blog

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a week. Holy cats, occasionally time puts the pedal down and I completely get caught up in the rest of life to blog about it.

This time, there hasn't been anything really momentous to mark the time. We had our first real weekend where not much was going on.

I had a big Rock Band night Saturday evening over at my friends Scott and Sara's place. Nice to (pretend) rock out without worries of waking the kids. The two liter of Diet Coke with Lime and the single liter of Bacardi Rum helped to loosen up the drumming skills hiding under this 38 year old skin. Lots of fun.

Sunday, my mom came by to spend time with the kids. We're always very grateful when she comes by. Alya and Marcus love her so much and Sasha and I get a break as well. Fun times.

Speaking of fun times, Saturday also had Marcus come down with a case of Pink Eye! Fortunately, we caught it really early so he didn't suffer much discomfort. In fact, it's pretty much gone. Shame Alya had it come on strong this morning. My poor little squirrel. We finally found a medicine that she doesn't enjoy taking. Eye drops and kids are a rough combination.

Just a quick little update, as things are quiet right now. Except for Axel Rose singing Paradise City on the tv behind me. It's on the PS3, which is calling me for reckless driving in a fictional city named Paradise City. Shame the mute button didn't work at that moment. Silly television.

Earlier I did watch about 20 minutes of an odd Japanese movie called Zebraman. While I won't go into the story, one thing I noticed about stopping a movie and returning to it later, my mind begins working on the plot and sees where things are going. Kind of a bummer, since it slightly spoils watching the movie.

Unless I'm wrong. In which case it's really cool.

Be seeing you,


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